About Me
Victoria Reese
Victoria Reese is the founder of CH∆NGEworks LLC ~ Coaching & Nonprofit Consulting a company specializing in building human and organizational capacity by equipping, educating, and empowering leaders. CH∆NGEworks was birthed from her realization that in order to impact real community change you have to equip the leader.
As a W.K. Kellogg Community Leadership Network Fellow alumni and native of Battle Creek, the words of William Keith Kellogg, “I will invest my money in people,” strongly resonate with her.
With decades of mission-driven work encompassing equity, social justice, and expanding economic opportunities for vulnerable populations, Victoria has been at the forefront of many community development issues. She is actively engaged in the community serving on numerous agency boards, committees, coalitions, and grantmaking bodies.
Victoria has a niche for moving programs from inception to fruition and has developed many programs, spearheaded efforts to obtain a federal charter to operate Michigan’s first credit union in a 25-year span, worked with a multi-disciplinary team to conduct a systems audit to eliminate institutional practices that re-victimize survivors of domestic violence, and spent 4+ years in public health focusing her energy on creating strategies to address health disparities.
In 2022, Victoria co-founded the Birth and Breastfeeding Leadership Institute a six-month, virtual national leadership development program designed to advance community-level leadership in maternal-child health using a racial justice and equity lens.
Victoria holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Western Michigan University and has two passions: Building capacity within nonprofits and awakening the purpose in women enabling them to walk boldly and authentically in the world. She is a certified professional coach, and has wide-ranging facilitation instruction from Thinking Collaborative and the Interaction Institute for Social Change and holds a certificate in fund raising management from The Fund Raising School.
She has experience with organizations at every stage of the nonprofit lifecycle and specializes in individual and peer coaching, organizational development, strategic planning, board development, fund development, and program development strategies.
Victoria has an inherent belief that communities are whole and resilient and that the solution to any community problem is in the community. She also believes that when we co-create strategies with the public, we develop tactics that meet their needs and enable real change to occur.
In her personal life she is married to her best friend, Tim and has one child, two bonus children, and six grandchildren. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, indoor cycling, spending time with family, and traveling.