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Fueled By Purpose | Change Does Work

Fueled By Purpose Blog

You vs You

You vs You

As you seek to walk in your purpose remember it’s always you vs you.  It doesn’t matter if someone got out of the starting gates before you on a project, or even if you have a similar idea.  Your only competition is YOU! When fear starts to creep in and that little...

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Learnings from 2020

Learnings from 2020

2020 came with unanticipated carnage. Families were divided, lives taken, and loneliness and despair overshadowed some. Personally, I had two major losses but in spite of everything that went wrong in 2020, I was able to slice out some takeaways.  Here’s a few things...

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Leap and Grow Your Wings on the Way Down

Leap and Grow Your Wings on the Way Down

"In the midst of change we often discover wings we never knew we had." - Ekaterina Walter Three frogs sitting by a still pond. One decides to leap. How many are left? Two right? Wrong. There are three left. Because one just decided. No action! That's the reality that...

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Are you Living Life by Design or Default?

Are you Living Life by Design or Default?

I was talking to a young lady recently who was dismayed with her current job and I asked her what she was passionate about. She paused and said she didn't know. I wonder how many of you are in the same boat? You get up morning after morning and you commit to the same...

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Always Use the Difficulty

Always Use the Difficulty

"Always use the difficulty."-Scott Berkun. One thing is for certain, in this life we are going to face adversity. We might lose our job, face insurmountable debt, experience a bad break up or get kicked out of college. The challenge is to turn the setback into an...

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“No” Does Not Require an Explanation

“No” Does Not Require an Explanation

We've become so inundated with request to do this, that, and the other that we feel we have to justify our no's.  "No, I can't do it because...," "I would but...," "I can't do it this week however..." The truth is a simple no is sufficient!  No, I am not able to serve...

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