by Victoria Reese | Leadership, Motivation, Personal Development, Purpose
As you seek to walk in your purpose remember it’s always you vs you. It doesn’t matter if someone got out of the starting gates before you on a project, or even if you have a similar idea. Your only competition is YOU! When fear starts to creep in and that little voice says you’re not good enough, you can’t do it like her/him or you will fail. Remember your ideas, your spin, your purpose, and your life experience will always set you apart from everyone else. What if the powerful songbird, Whitney Houston had listened to the critics regarding her memorable Super Bowl National Anthem rendition? Do the thing that your heart and soul longs for because the only person you are competing against is you. You are your greatest competition!

by Victoria Reese | Motivation, Purpose
“Always use the difficulty.”-Scott Berkun.
One thing is for certain, in this life we are going to face adversity. We might lose our job, face insurmountable debt, experience a bad break up or get kicked out of college. The challenge is to turn the setback into an opportunity for a comeback.

by Victoria Reese | Motivation
We’ve become so inundated with request to do this, that, and the other that we feel we have to justify our no’s. “No, I can’t do it because…,” “I would but…,” “I can’t do it this week however…” The truth is a simple no is sufficient! No, I am not able to serve on your board. No, this week doesn’t work for me. No, I can’t be your campaign manager.
Saying no is especially hard for women who are juggling many work, home, and church responsibilities and are natural caretakers. The downfall of not saying no is that we end up stressed out, overwhelmed, and of no benefit to anyone, including our self and our families.